
Transforming the balcony into a veranda: advantages, regulations and costs

sunroom additions in Rochester, NY Posted On
Posted By Landyn

Building a veranda is a goal that many hope to be able to achieve sooner or later. In this way, in fact, it is possible to increase the covered area of ​​one’s apartment, perhaps giving life to that closet or winter garden that one misses so much. After all, given the size of modern houses, an extra room is always useful. So let’s try to understand how to transform a balcony , or a portion of it, into an extra room add a sunroom in Fullerton, CA

What is a veranda

The veranda is a room outside the house built on the pertinent balcony or perhaps on a terrace. Its perimeter is defined by lateral glass fixed to the walls of the building . These panels can be removed or replaced if necessary.

Let’s now move on to a more technical side of the matter: how to proceed to build a veranda. Let’s start from the assumption that if you live in a condominium or in any case in a non-independent structure, your veranda must necessarily be a little further back from the lines of the prospectus. You will also not be allowed to limit other condominiums in enjoying natural light or air.

Permits required

Before starting the works for the construction of the structure, among other things you will have to request special authorisations . Therefore, contact the technical office operating in the municipality where the building is located. Do this after obtaining the approval of the other inhabitants of the building.

At this point you can finally choose who to entrust the work to. Our suggestion? Always opt for certified technicians who can guide you in choosing the veranda that best suits your needs and who, of course, also know how to deliver a good job. Before starting the bureaucratic process just described, evaluate well the expense to be incurred.

How to use the veranda

As you already know, the veranda is an environment in the house suitable for multiple uses. Clearly you will evaluate the question taking into account the shape, size, exposure to the sun and the conformation of your home. If you lack the ideas, however, we can suggest some.

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