Data Center Is Essential To Manage Your Internet Signal

Let’s consider the example of a microphone and speaker. When a person speaks into the microphone, the output from the speaker is amplified according to the levels set. What happens here is the audio levels are amplified without distorting the voice signal. This makes it possible for the voice to reach areas where it would not have reached before. As the voice signal is amplified, listeners will be able to hear the voice clearly without blocks or gaps. The same principle applies to a WiFi Booster. Instead of the voice signal, the booster works with the WiFi signals from the router. A data center tiers which are differentiated as tier 1, tier 2, tier 3 and tier 4 are a standardized methodology used for defining uptime of data center like unmanaged switches. It is useful for measuring data center performance, investments, and return of investments.
The tier 1 data center is the simplest methodology which is used by the small businesses or small shops which offers no redundancy thus it guarantees a reliability of 99.671%. This reliability means that a Tier 4 Datacenter will have a downtime of just 5 minutes in a year. In Tier 4 datacenter everything is dual-powered, and all components of it are fault tolerant including chillers, storage, uplinks, servers, HVAC systems etc. Tier 4 Datacenter is mainly for the critical mission applications like managed switches. NEX Datacenter is a one among the leading datacenter providers of Indonesia and it is a certified 3 tier datacenter providers.
Tier 3 Datacenter possesses the properties of both tier 1 datacenter, tier 2 datacenter and in addition it has the multiple power equipment and cooling sources. In spite of having multiple power equipment only one can be active at a time. This provides a guarantee of 99.982% reliability.